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Club Rules 

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St Francis Social & Sports Club
(‘the Club’)


Club Rules

Amended February 2012


1. Name


The club is called St Francis Social and Sports Club


2. Objects


The objects and powers of the Club are:


2.1 The provision of sports and social amenities for NHS healthcare staff and associated persons in the Sussex area.


2.2 The provision and maintenance of the Club premises at the Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath, West Sussex.


2.3 The other advantages and benefits usually associated with a Club.


2.4.1 The Club may: purchase, take on a lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and any rights of

such objects and construct, maintain and alter any buildings or erections necessary for the work of the Club;


2.4.2 Make regulations for any property which may be so acquired;


2.4.3 Subject to such consents as may be required by law, sell lease or otherwise dispose of all or any of the property or assets of the Club;


2.4.4 Accept gifts and borrow or raise money for such objects on such terms and such security as shall be thought fit;


2.4.5 Subject to such consents as may be required by law, borrow or raise money for the said objects and accept gifts on such terms and on such security as shall be deemed to be necessary;


2.4.6 Invest the money of the club not immediately required for the said objects In or on such investments, securities or property as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions ( if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law.


2.4.7 To do all such lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of such objects


3. Staff Members


The following persons shall be eligible to apply for staff membership of the Club;- 3.1 Open to all staff of the Hospitals


Trusts and other healthcare organisations. 3.2 Members of staff of healthcare providers associated with NHS institution.

3.3 Retired staff formerly within 3.1 and 3.2 who have –


3.3.1 Had at least 15 years service to the NHS healthcare in the Sussex area, and/or


3.3.2 Served as chairman or secretary of the Club or of a section of the Club for at least 3 consecutive years.


4. Non Staff Members


Any persons shall be eligible for non staff membership of the Club.


5. Admissions of Members


5.1 Every candidate for admission as a staff member shall complete an application form, and be approved by the

Executive Committee.


5.2 Every candidate for admission as a non staff member must be proposed and seconded by members of the Club.


5.3 The candidates full name and address and occupation and (in the case of non staff application the names of the proposer and seconder must be communicated in writing to the membership secretary, who must prominently exhibit these particulars in the Club house in a part frequented by members for a period of at least 48 hours before the candidate’s election as a member.


5.4 Until a candidate is elected as a member, he/she is not entitled to any of the privileges of the Club.


6. Election


Candidates for membership can be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion.


7. Officers


The officers of the Club shall be the President, Chairman , Hon. General Secretary, Hon. General Treasurer, and Membership Secretary.


All officers of the Club must be staff members, or non staff members of at least 2 years standing, and shall be elected annually at the annual general meeting.

Notice of nominations for officers must be given in writing to the Hon. General Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the annual general meeting.


8. Management


8.1 The management of the Club in relationship to membership issues, the purchase and supply of intoxicating liquor and financial issues shall be entrusted to an Executive Committee consisting of the elected officers and 8 other staff members, or non staff members of at least two years standing, elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.


8.2 All the members of the Executive Committee are eligible for the re-election.


8.3 The Executive Committee shall meet at such days and times as it shall determine.


8.4 At all meetings of the Executive Committee five forms a quorum.


8.5 The management of all other affairs of the Club shall be entrusted to a General Committee consisting of the Executive committee, one representative appointed from each section of the club which does not already have a representative among the officers or other members of Executive Committee, and such further number of members elected at the annual general meeting as shall ensure the number of elected members of the General Committee (including the officers and members of the Executive Committee) is not less than two thirds of the total number of the General Committee.


8.6 The General Committee shall meet at such days and times as it shall determine and its quorum shall be seven.


9. Trust property


9.1. Subject to the provisions of clause 9.2 , the officers of the club shall cause: 9.1.1. all land purchased by the club; and

9.1.2. all investments held by or on behalf of the club

To be held on trust for the club and for such property to be vested in not less than three individuals appointed by the officers as holding trustees. Holding trustees may be removed by the officers at their pleasure and shall act in accordance with the lawful directions of the officers. Provided they only act in accordance with the lawful directions of the officers, the holding trustees shall not be liable for the acts and defaults of its members.


10. Purchase and Supply of liquor


10.1 Purchase for the Club and supply by the Club of intoxicating liquor must be in the absolute discretion of a sub-committee of the Executive Committee appointed for that purpose.


10.2 If any member for any reason ceases to be a member of the Executive Committee, he/she automatically ceases to be a member of the sub committee, and another member of the Executive Committee must be appointed in their place.


10.3 The sub-committee must not in any way be restricted in the freedom of purchase.


10.4 No one may at any time receive at the expense if the Club or any member of the Club any commission percentage or similar payment on or with reference to purchases of intoxicating liquor by the Club.


10.5 No one may directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club to members or guests apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole and apart also from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise to or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Club.


10.6 Alcoholic beverages shall only be sold during normal licensing hours unless an extension has been authorised by the licensing Justices.


10.7 Alcoholic beverages shall not, at any time, be sold to, purchased for, or consumed by persons under the age of eighteen years.


11 Casual Vacancies


11.1 The general committee may at any time, and from time to time, fill any casual vacancy among the General committee.


11.2 The executive Committee may at any time, and from time to time, fill any casual vacancy among the officers and the |Executive Committee.


11.3 Any officer or member of a committee so appointed holds office only until the next following annual general meeting but is then eligible for re-election.


12. Section Committees


Each section committee of the Club shall appoint annually an Hon. Secretary and a committee of at least five members. Each section committee may appoint their Hon. Secretary to act as chairman thereof. No section committee shall have the power to spend more than the sum approved by the Executive committee.


13. Vacancies


Each section committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that occurs during the year and have the power to co-opt additional members thereon.


14. Ex-officio section committee members


The officers of the Club shall be ex-officio members of all section committees.


15. Accounts


Full accounts of the financial affairs of the Club duly audited by the auditors must be made available to every member when notice convening the annual meeting is given.


16. Application of Profit.


No money or property of the Club or any gain from the carrying on of the Club may be applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Club as a whole or for some charitable or benevolent purpose or purposes chosen by resolution of a general meeting.


17. Subscriptions


The amount of the monthly or annual subscriptions payable by staff members and non-staff members shall be fixed at the annual general meeting. In the event of the subscription of a member being more than a month in arrear, he/she shall cease to be entitled to the privileges of membership until the subscriptions be paid.


18. Expulsion of members


18.1 The Executive Committee may expel any member who offends against the rules of the Club or whose conduct, in the opinion of the committee, renders him unfit for membership of the Club.


18.2 Before any member is expelled the Honorary General Secretary must give him seven days written notice to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee and must inform him of the complaints made against them.


18.3 No member may be expelled unless;


18.3.1 he/she is first given an opportunity of appearing before the committee and answering complaints made against him/her and


18.3.2 at least two-thirds of the committee then present vote in favour of his/her expulsion.


19. Guests


19.1 Any member may introduce guests to the Club, provided that no one whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the Club may be introduced as a guest.


19.2 The member introducing the guest must enter the name and address of the

guest together with his own name in the book which must be kept on the Club premises.


19.3 Any member introducing a guest may be required to pay such fee on each occasion as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine.


20. Sports Participation


Subject to the ruling of the General Committee any sports section may invite non- members in the Club to participate in any matches organised by that section.


21. Sports Terms


If a member of the Club is willing to play in a match organised by a section claims that he or she is excluded from playing in the inclusion of non-members of the Club, then that member may appeal to the General Committee. The General Committee will then determine the number of non-members who may be invited to play in that, or any match organised by that section.


22. Children


Members’ children under the age of 17 may participate in sports functions organised by the club when accompanied by a member.


23. Loss of or damage to the Club


Any member losing, or wilfully damaging the property of the Club shall be required to make good the value of the same to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee.


24. Admission Charges


On the occasion when dances are held at the social Club, where a charge for admission is made, no person shall be admitted to the function without paying the charge for admission.

25. Advertising of functions


Any functions organised by any section of the Club shall not be advertised other than upon NHS healthcare premises without the permission of the general committee.


26. Annual General Meetings


26.1 An annual general meeting must be held in each calendar year and 15 months must not elapse without a general meeting.


26.2 At each annual general meeting:-


26.2.1 The accounts for the previous financial year ended prior to the meeting (having first been audited by the Club auditors) must be presented and, if accepted passed;


26.2.2 The officers and the committees must be elected 26.2.3 Auditors must be appointed, and


26.2.4 Any other business that has been communicated to the honorary general secretary and included in the notice of the meeting sent by him to the members may be conducted.


27. Extraordinary General Meetings


27.1 An extraordinary general meeting may be convened at any time and must be convened within 21 days on the requisition of one-fifth of the members of the Club for the times being or 12 members which ever is less.


27.2 A requisition must state the purpose for which a meeting is required and must be submitted to the Honorary General Secretary.


27.3 At least 7 days before any general meeting the honorary general secretary must send to every member at his address recorded in the club’s books or post in a conspicuous place in the Club premises a notice of meeting stating the time when and the place where it will be held and the business conducted.


28. Business at a general meeting


28.1 The business at any general meeting (whether annual general meeting or extraordinary general meeting) must be limited to that provided for by these rules and any further matters set out in the notice convening in the meeting.


28.2 The quorum at any general meeting is 15.


29. Votes


Each member over the age of 18 years has one vote at all meetings of the Club.


30. Chairman


The chairman of the Club presides at all meetings of the Club, but, if he/she is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the meetings or has signified his/her inability to be present at the meeting, the members present entitled to vote, may chose one of their number to Chair the meeting.


31. Modification of the rules


31.1 No alteration or addition to the above rules may be made except by a resolution carried by the majority of at least two thirds of the members present at a general meeting (whether annual general meeting or extraordinary general meeting) notice of which contained particulars of the proposed alteration or additions.


31.2 As soon as possible and in any case within 28 days after making of any alterations or additions to these rules the honorary general secretary must give written notice of the alterations or addition to the chief officer of the police and to the proper officer of the local authority and to the justices’ clerk of the district in which the club is situated.


32. Headings


The headings for these rules are for ease of reference only and are not to be taken into account in their interpretation.

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